Don’t be tempted by fast cash — get the facts about payday loans Contact us Cymraeg

Have you checked out the alternatives to a payday loan?

Find out about cheaper, lower risk alternatives and how to tackle money problems.

What people tell us about how free debt advice helped them deal with creditors

“I was frightened to speak to my creditors. There are people who do it for you, like StepChange and Citizens Advice and it takes the stress off you…”

Don’t use a payday loan to regularly pay off other borrowing like credit cards or loans

Here’s what you can do instead:

  1. Use our Budget planner to track your income and your spending.

  2. Speak to the people you owe money to as soon as possible. They may agree to you making smaller repayments until your financial position improves.

  3. Make sure you know your rights. If you’re struggling to pay back a loan or credit card, your lender has to treat you fairly and with consideration. In particular, they should also allow you reasonable time to repay the debt. This may include freezing their interest and charges or agreeing a repayment plan with you.

A free debt adviser can help you with this and advise you on your rights and options. Find a free debt adviser now

Prioritise your bills and agree to repay what you can afford. Read our guide How to prioritise your bills